So you got waxed and were left with more than just smooth, hairless skin – you ended up with bruises! Don’t freak out, bruising is actually a common side effect of waxing, especially for first-timers. We’re going to walk through the possible causes, signs to watch out for, tips to treat them, and most importantly, how to avoid bruises in the future. Getting waxed can be uncomfortable enough without having to deal with black and blue marks for days after so we’ve got your back! Let’s get into it…

Why Bruising Happens

When you get waxed, the wax adheres to the hair and then gets ripped out quickly from the root. The swift motion combined with pulling on the skin can cause tiny blood vessels to break under the surface, resulting in bruising.

Waxing also exfoliates the top layers of skin, leaving your pores more exposed and prone to bacteria. If they get infected, pimples can form which look similar to bruises.

The bikini zone and thighs are common trouble spots since the skin is extra sensitive. Underarms can also easily get bruised from poor technique.

Common Causes

Waxing mishaps can lead to bruising in a few key ways:

 Improper Technique

Having an inexperienced aesthetician or trying to DIY wax is often the culprit behind bruising. If the waxer doesn’t firmly grip and pull your skin taut during the process, it causes a “bounce back” effect which can burst capillaries. Repeatedly going over the same area instead of removing all the hair in one swift motion makes it worse.

The bikini zone involves working around multiple contours which makes bruises more likely if you don’t know proper form. Always see a trusted professional for Brazilian waxes!

Physiological Factors

Some people simply have thin sensitive skin that bruises more easily from any small trauma like waxing. Vasodilators open up blood vessels, so being on you period or medications like blood thinners also increase bruising risk.

Talk to your technician so they can take extra care and prep the skin if any of these factors apply.

Signs of Bruising

You’ll usually notice waxing bruises a few hours after your appointment once the adrenaline wears off. They start off reddish like any other bruise before turning blue/purple as they develop. The size ranges from little dots to large patches depending on severity.

In addition to marking up your skin with bruises, improperly executed waxing can cause:

– Broken capillaries
– Scraped off skin
– Burning
– Scabbing
– Excessive swelling

If you experience any of those, it’s a sign poor technique is to blame.

Treatments & Remedies

Don’t panic if you do discover bruises after waxing! There are plenty of ways to minimize their duration and keep pain levels in check as they heal:

Immediate Relief

As soon as possible after waxing, apply an ice pack or cold compress to the bruised area. Icing reduces inflammation and constricts blood vessels to slow further bleeding under skin. Wrap some ice cubes in a towel or use a gel bead pack to safely apply cold therapy.

Taking an ibuprofen is another option to alleviate residual soreness. The anti-inflammatory properties help ease discomfort. Just stick to OTC dosing guidelines.

Intermediate Healing

If it’s been a few days and your waxing bruises persist, bring in the big guns!

Arnica creams with natural plant extracts are specifically designed to remedy bruises. Gently massaging in the cooling, tingly formula twice a day helps speed up healing since arnica minimizes remaining blood trapped under skin.

For another botanical treat, aloe vera gel contains enzymes and compounds that repair damaged skin cells. It also has antibacterial benefits to prevent infection in compromised skin post-waxing. Apply a soothing layer after showering while skin is still moist.

Prevent Reoccurence

Once your bruises have healed, it’s time to figure out how to avoid round two! Follow these pro tips for bruise-free waxing experiences from here on out:

Seek Expert Help

Waxing involves precision technique to grasp hairs efficiently while protecting skin. Estheticians train extensively to master form. Visiting a reputable professional minimizes mistakes that lead to bruising and trauma.

For DIY waxing, have someone help handle removing strips on hard to reach places. Or opt for small batches of hair removal at once instead of large zones.

Prep Properly

Getting your skin ready before a wax makes for easier, gentler hair removal. Exfoliate first with a body scrub to lift dead cells and give hair a smooth path as its pulled. Then apply pre-wax oil so wax only sticks to hair not skin itself.

After waxing, cleanse skin to prevent bacteria and infected follicles. Use witch hazel to close pores and hydrate with a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer.

Removal Technique

The key to preventing wax injuries is all in the swift, controlled removal. Estheticians firmly brace the skin around the area being waxed and hold it taut. Then in one smooth motion, they pull the strip or wax off opposite hair growth direction.

Reputable salons also apply wax in thinner layers for delicate zones like bikini lines. This allows precision targeting of hair over potential contours.

During aftercare, avoid friction from tight clothes and activities that rub on freshly waxed skin. Loosen up!

When to Call the Doc

While most post-waxing bruises naturally clear up within a few days to a week max, some cases require medical assessment:

– Excessive swelling with fluid leakage
– Expanding bruise size
– Bruise still growing darker or more purple/black after 4-5 days
– No fading after 10-14 days
– Ultra painful to touch

If you notice any of those worrisome symptoms, check in with your doctor to rule out underlying conditions. Sometimes bruises can be indicative of low platelet counts or clotting issues.

Parting Thoughts

Hopefully now that you know why those pesky waxing bruises happen and how to banish them once and for all, your next Brazilian can be pain and mark-free! Well mostly pain-free at least – waxing is still ripping hair out by the follicles when you think about it. But prevention truly is key for seamless wax appointments from here on out.